HellsGate and Blast
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The first finished Gateway Boy, HellsGate (or FireGate)

HellsGate was made of a WigWam body and a Barnacle head.
I used a Barnacle head so I wouldn't have to rethread him and the WigWam body as that's easier to paint red.
His horn comes from a very poor Moondancer and was glued on with powerglue.
So, his body is red and his hair is dark orange with a yellow streak. His dragon Blast is black with red accents (toes, spines, tummy and tongue). Both pony and dragon have blue eyes.

Beware of this boy pony, he might seem cuter than he is!

The Gateway Boys are going to be a set of 6 boys with dragons.
No Spike's or UK dragons were used for this set. I made a mold of my own Spike and used that mold to make plaster dragons.
The dragon weighs more than the pony!