Baby RedRoses
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Baby Kiss N Make-up and baby RedRoses, really close friends.

Baby Kiss N Make-up was made of a baby Moondancer with no streak. I didn't rethread it, I just painted the holes closed.
She also lacked a tail which I replaced with wavy artificial hair. This hair was kindda orangish but that's ok since her mom has fading pink fluffy hair.

She was very easy to make since I didn't have to rethread her and adding a tail is easy. The yellow I used to paint her body is a bit darker than mommy RedRoses tho.

She was a lot of fun to make and my sister fell in love when she saw her : ) I've always thought BoysenberryPie (CherryCake) and RedRoses were sisters, but my li'l sis is too small to be an adult pony (imho). So, when she saw baby RedRoses it was clear, this is my little sister : )

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