Bodypaint Posey
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I have her scanned!
Only one side but it's better than nothing : )

You see the mane and tail are cut and the patterns.
Don't tell her (shhh) but I like the graphic better ^_^

This was one of my first ponies when I was little and got interested in bodypaint when I was 14 or so. So, she asked me to experiment with my watercolors as real bodypaint is to expencive ; ) I painted her hair darker pink as her hair had gone white. Part of her tail is still light. I painted her body yellow (darker) and made various motives on her. She already had earrings. In the drawing you see a purple ribbon which is actually an elastic, the only way to hold her without hurting the paint. I think I can wash it off, but after all these years some colors might have drawn into the plastic.