Learn a little Dutch/Leer een beetje Nederlands



Posey's ready to teach you some Dutch.

Hi class! Today we're going to learn some Dutch.

Since this is your very first lesson we'll start with some simple words so we can form a sentence at the end of this lesson.
I'll tell you the english word and then the dutch translation and explain you how to pronounce it.

I                            Ik
The I in ik sounds the same as the I in imagine,
the k sounds the same as the english k.

Love                      Houd van
Here we are not speaking of the infinitiv, we're talking first person singular.
When we mean the infinitiv the translation is Houden van.
I love                     Ik houd van
The H is pronounced the same as the H in help! : )
The ou is a very tricky sound which is hard to say for people from countries other than Holland. It pretty much sounds like the ou in Ouch!
You don't hear the d in houd.
The word van doesn't sound the same as the english word van, which means bestelwagen in dutch (what?!) be happy you don't have to learn that word yet ; )
Van usually means of, like the doll of the little girl(de pop van het kleine meisje).
Ok, let's move on the the pronounciation.
V sounds the same, a sounds like alternate.(if you say it with an english accent ; ) and then there's only a n which is the same again.

My                       Mijn
This is easier than it looks (thank god!)
The whole word mijn, which means mine, can be pretty much pronounced like
mine to sound good in dutch 
(yeah, that was easy!)

Little                     Kleine
Kleine is a conjugation of the adjectiv Klein. In english there's no word to explain it with, so I'm just gonna use an example to show the difference in meaning.
This doll is little(klein), it's a little(kleine) doll.
Deze pop is klein, het is een kleine pop.
The pronounciation is almost the same as (Calvin) Kline for klein, to get kleine you have to add an e as in number

And as last it's the easiest word in the sentence:
Pony                   Pony
Pronounced exactely the same as in the dutch language they "stole" the word from the english language ; )

I love my little pony becomes:
Ik houd van mijn kleine pony.

That's it class. Hope you enjoyed : )